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Assisted Storytelling


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The Care Opinion Australia Team are excited to share with you the Assisted Storytelling Pack!

We understand that volunteers and staff play a vital role in encouraging and collecting consumer feedback in health, community and aged care services.

Over the past few months, a number of services have raised with us their concerns about difficulties staff and volunteers face when attempting to assist storytelling. In response to this feedback, we have created a comprehensive guide for volunteers and staff to utilise when assisting storytelling on the Care Opinion platform.

You may find it useful to help engage consumers who are generally more averse to providing feedback or to train new staff and volunteers and explore new options of assisting storytelling in your service.

This pack includes:

Image titleAdditional to these resources, we have also developed an Assisted storytelling guide launch kit which is a mini kit of suggested messaging and materials. Please feel free to utilise the attached launch kit or contact to develop co-branded materials for your use and visit our co-branding page to learn more about this process.
