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"Queensland Hospital (Hervey Bay) followed Advanced Health Directive ...with great care"

About: Hervey Bay Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a relative),

My 80 year old father had a cardiac condition (AF) and experienced a cardiac episode following a game of golf. His heart could not effectively pump and this compromised his breathing. He also had other co-morbidities that were starting to infringe on his quality of life.

The Hervey Bay medical staff honoured his request not to intubate him but provided the maximum treatment to ensure he had every chance to recover - but it was not to be. The following morning he was allowed to die with dignity, in a comfortable bed with his family and loved ones around.

This is exactly as he had asked - no tubes and interventions when it was time to go... no extending his death ... just ensuring his was comfortable and pain free.

In our modern era of health care ... we were grateful that the hospital staff were able to navigate this path with us and honour the wishes as were written in his Advance Health Directive. Thank you to the staff for your excellent care and humanity ... it was greatly appreciated by us the family.

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