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"CODI transport to and from Ipswich Hospital "

About: Ipswich Hospital / Minor surgery

(as the patient),

When I booked in for the surgery, I presented the reception staff with a form signed by my doctor, to have patient transport to and from the procedure earlier in 2012. I was assured the transport would be arranged and pick me up in plenty of time for me to get to the hospital. I waited for about 3/4 hour, but no transport turned up. I then had to phone the hospital to find out what transport service was to have picked me up and was patched through to the ambulance service. I was informed that CODI handled the transport. As I am recently moved here from Victoria, I had no idea what CODI stood for or did. However, I phoned the number supplied by the ambulance service and the CODI telephonist told me she would arrange the transport and that the return trip would cost $20. I paid the $20 to the driver who picked me up and he said that covered the return trip. I have since been billed for a further $20, despite objecting to the charge. As a pensioner who does not like to owe money, I was not impressed by the extra $20 being billed to me.

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Response from WMHHS 11 years ago
Submitted on 24/04/2013 at 10:37 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:17 PM

Dear Lozza

Sorry it has taken so long for us to get back to you. We have only recently received rights to respond to all comments on Ipswich Hospital on Patient Opinion and, even though it is 12 months later we have sent your comments to people within our service who will work to ensure our communication improves.

We are sorry to hear the transport to Ipswich Hospital didn’t turn up. We also think use of acronyms such as ‘CODI’ isn’t the best way to communicate with our patients, and hope the billing issue for the trip has since been resolved.

We thank you for taking the time to use Patient Opinion and wish you the best possible health.

Kind regards

Consumer Liaison Service

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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