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"Bad treatment as an outpatient at Ipswich Hospital"

About: Ipswich Hospital

(as the patient),

In my opinion doctors are meant to listen, test, diagnose and treat but in my experience I am yet to come across a specialist who listens to me. In the last 2 years I have not gotten a diagnosis for any of my myriad problems.

My GP doesn't seem to think that a person in their 30’s with memory problems (I can only remember the last 2 years, it may be longer) is a big deal. Truth is the entire of 2009 is a blank for me! I cannot work full-time while I have these problems and it seems to me that someone of my financial standing (poorly paid perm PT) is not, in my opinion, to be bestowed with the privilege of detailed, in-depth or timely medical treatment.

My GP is pretty good but he seems to get to a certain point in an investigation and then he goes no further. It appears that I am put into the too hard basket too easily. The doctor who kicked me out on the second visit said another doctor would call me back in a's been a year.

I am a public patient but I've lost count of how much of my small amount of money I've spent on private doctors because I can't wait 12 - 18 months to see a public doctor. I paid $120 for what seemed like less than 5 mins work and that is a little less than a whole day’s pay for me.

I live in a rural town that has only just got a couple doctors who come from the next town in the last few years. There is no public transport. If I had a limb lopped off accidentally, I would gladly crawl straight past my local hospital, right past the closest city hospital and I would cross my fingers at the Brisbane hospital. I travel to Ipswich for my medical care.

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Response from Caroline Jeffs, District Coordinator Consumer Liaison, Performance Strategy Planning, WMHHS 11 years ago
Caroline Jeffs
District Coordinator Consumer Liaison, Performance Strategy Planning,

I support patients to liaise with hospital concerning their health needs.

Submitted on 24/04/2013 at 10:36 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:16 PM

Dear Roma

We apologise our response is 10 months after your comments were posted on Patient Opinion. We have only recently requested to receive rights to respond to all comments on Ipswich Hospital on Patient Opinion.

We believe everyone deserves the best medical care! We are sorry to hear you don’t feel that you have received the very best medical treatment. If there is anything that Ipswich Hospital can do to assist with your health needs, please do not hesitate to contact the Consumer Liaison Officer on 3810 1826.

Since the time of your comment we hope you are in the best possible health.

Thank you for taking time to use Patient Opinion.

Kind regards

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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