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"Primary health care nurse: Kay is a wonderful woman!"

About: Healthy Lifestyle Program (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local) Murrumbidgee Medicare Local

(as the patient),

I am in my late 60's and I have lost both my husband and sister to cancer within a four year period. I have been in touch with Kay, the primary health care nurse, for a while. She is always there to give me support and to guide me towards services that I can access. Kay is in my opinion a wealth of information and I trust her to the ends of the earth as much as my own doctor. She is a wonderdul wonderful woman who goes above and beyond her role in caring for me and others and goes out of her way to call in out of working hours. In regards to the infomation, medication and people to see - Kay has put me on the right track to the right people. My situation was tough to deal with but I couldn't have got throught it without Kay's support.

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Response from Cate Creswick, Executive Officer, Murrumbidgee Medicare Local 12 years ago
Cate Creswick
Executive Officer,
Murrumbidgee Medicare Local
Submitted on 24/10/2012 at 2:40 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 25/10/2012 at 11:12 AM

Hi Joan - so sorry you have had a tough few years. Thank you for taking the time to give this feedback about Kay and our services. The feedback has been passed on to her.

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