Every appointment I went to took 2+ hours for someone to talk to me. Only one appointment was ever under the 2 hours and more than once I sat for close to 4 hours waiting for a booked ante-natal appointment. All of the classes available were booked out for at least the 4-5 months I had left of my pregnancy. After I had my baby I didn't get any consultation for 24hours to show me how to breast feed which I believe heavily influenced the fact that it was done wrong and I couldn't breast feed after a few days an had to put my son on formula. I needed 2 blood transfusions which was fine but it took them 16 hours to get it to me. My blood also weren't signed off on so I had to give a total of three test lots of blood which meant my levels went below 62z.
I also noticed I had, what looked to me like an infection before I was discharged. I asked to have someone look at it and was asked if I had herpes as that's what it looked like. The following day I went to my doctor and couldn't sit at all. He sent me to hospital with a suspected peri-anal abcess. I was kept in hospital for three days and put on a 48 hour course of antibiotics and a few other drugs. My birthing experience was lovely and the people I saw were mostly nice but I thought the 'care' and procedures were just off.
"Birthing and Ante-Natal care at the Gold Coast Hospital"
About: Gold Coast University Hospital / Maternity Gold Coast University Hospital Maternity Southport 4215
Posted by Mumma2011 (as ),
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