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"RSL Care (Metro North Brisbane area)"

About: RSL Care

(as a service user),

We had a nice lady come a couple of weeks ago to give us forms to fill out which we did. We informed her that since RSL Care has taken over we noticed mould had started to grow in our bathroom, I think because the new people being sent had not been cleaning it properly. We showed her the mould and were told she would let RSL Care know. Before RSL Care has taken over there was not one smidgeon of mould in our shower and the standard of cleaning was high. We had a lovely range of people who came to clean our house. However, it seems to me that unlike previous people who had come to clean our house (experienced cleaners), the people being sent by RSL Care don’t appear to have any cleaning experience or know what it takes to really clean a house. I don’t understand why they couldn't employ the same people who previously cleaned our house? I believe that whoever employed these folk may not have a clear understanding of what house cleaning is or the requirements they need to have to do the job well.

I would also like to leave a compliment for Amber who recently cleaned our house. I showed Amber the mould in the bathroom hoping she would be able to remove it. When Amber was finished cleaning the bathroom she called me in to have a look – she did an absolutely wiz bang job and all the mould was gone! I admired the fact that she was so proud of the work she had done.

Another issue I have encountered is with the Home Assist Service (Handyman service inside pensioner’s homes). We have a leaking tap that needs to be fixed and we are unable to fix it ourselves. The number on the brochure we were given (when the government was providing the HACC service) is 3284 0526. There is a voice recording which asks to leave a contact number, I have called several times and left a message but have not yet heard back from them. Is this service still available?

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Response from Quality Systems Coordinator, Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local 11 years ago
We are preparing to make a change
Submitted on 9/08/2013 at 10:43 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 23/08/2013 at 9:37 AM

Dear Mac,

Thank you for your comments, we appreciate the feedback you have provided. We will pass your comments on to RSL Care. If you need to contact RSL Care directly please contact Ph: 3457 2255. We aim to provide you with a response to your comment about the Home Assist Service soon.

Thank you for taking the time to provide this feedback as this will assist to improve the quality of services provided.

Kind Regards,

Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local.

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Response from Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local 11 years ago
Submitted on 22/08/2013 at 11:57 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 23/08/2013 at 9:37 AM

Dear Mac,

Thank you for taking the time to comment regarding your cleaning service provided under the HACC program by RSL Care.

It was satisfying to get your positive feedback on Amber’s work and I will certainly pass on your words of praise for her work.

I was disappointed to hear of your other experience with the cleaning of your bathroom and I would like to make sure we get our service right for you. It’s a simple thing to correct but to make sure we get it right, it would be helpful for you to contact us directly.

Your comments on Patient Opinion does not allow us to identify you, so we need you to get in touch to resolve the issue you have raised.

You can contact us through the RSL Care Contact Centre on: 3457 2255.

The final issue you raised was in relation to the State Government Home Assist Secure program. This is not one of our programs. If you contact the Medicare Local they may be able to connect you to a local service provider.

Thanks again for taking the time to comment.

Kind Regards,

RSL Care.

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