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"Anti depressants prescribed by hospitals for thyroid problems"

About: The Alfred

(as the patient),

I went to professionals over and over- exhausted, crying, low concentration... told to exercise, take vitamins and anti depressants...couldn't exercise, too lethargic. Doctors made me feel terrible for this, like wasn't trying to help myself. Anti depressants made me incontinent and more depressed, suicidal, like killing myself would be for the best. Went to different doctors, hospitals when suicidal, felt I was treated terribly- like it was my fault I wasn't doing the right thing for my depression. The Alfred Hospital in Melbourne saw me twice when I was suicidal. I felt I was treated like I was wanting attention, given a valium and sent home with a stern talking to, intimated I had wasted their time.

Eventually I had pains through my whole body, could barely get out of bed, I lost my career and most of my friends. I felt I was still treated as a malingerer that wasn't trying to help myself and if I said anti depressants weren't working was told I was wrong- they worked according to doctors. Pretended to take them. Took the prescription and threw it in the bin outside doctor's office, or the doctor(s)it seemed would treat me like I was just taking up their time with my rubbish depression problem.

A doctor finally tested my thyroid. That's all it was. All that wasted time, all those doctor visits where they would treat me like I wasn't helping myself. A career down the drain, relationships destroyed, suicide attempts, a life lost.

How was I meant to know? I felt was treated terribly, like a malingerer. All I wanted was to be better,

Not one (except the last one) tested my thyroid- I had every symptom of a low thyroid except one- I didn't gain weight. How easy would it have been. How much pain would have been avoided, by a simple blood test.

I have called every single doctor that I saw to tell them- test thyroid of any depressed person, it could bypass years of pain. Three of those doctors had the gall to say 'you would have been depressed anyway'... really? Actually, no. I nearly lost my life and I lost everything else.

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