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"Ultrasound undertaken at GMF Kalgoorlie"

About: Kalgoorlie Health Campus

(as the patient),

Found a lump in my breast and had a mammogram with Breast screen WA Mobile Van at Community Health in Leonora who were fantastic. They only visit every 2 years in rural WA.

Phone call from Breast screen WA Perth to say go to GP to get an ultrasound done.

I went to Kalgoorlie Public Hospital, waiting list was 1 month but they said we're sorry. Given I had family history, went to GMF private one in Kalgoorlie and said 1 month wait - I said I couldn't afford to go to Perth and was upset something was there. The sonographer spoke to me and said we'll fit you in today. Fantastic people.

What about the hundreds of people who need important x-rays, ultrasounds or mammograms at Kalgoorlie Hospital was great but it means a trip to Geraldton or Perth for an easy test. Geraldton is overflowing as well so money needs to be invested in these rural towns.

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