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"Port Lincoln Hospital - Doctors and Nurses - I need answers! "

About: Port Lincoln Hospital

(as a relative),

For two years my Mother suffered ongoing illness as, I believe, a consequence of this illness not being detected by the staff that attended my mother, at Port Lincoln Hospital, and I believe through, mistreatment and ignorance, my Mother died a painful death.

We need answers why she was seemingly treated like this and why it seems her illness was not detected. I feel that she was made to feel like she was a nuisance and a whinger and so many times she phoned me crying in pain and so upset by the way she felt she was treated by both nurses and doctors who attended to her at Port Lincoln Hospital. My mother felt that the nurses who saw her were rude and abusive and she understood that they were telling her, that nothing was wrong with her and she felt that the nurses she saw treated her with anger and abuse. Meanwhile, we believe she was dying and it seemed to us that no one looked at her medical notes properly to detect the cause. I believe that the cause was written in her medical notes but it seemed that no one who attended her bothered to look! ! !

It took a new doctor what seemed about ten minutes to apparently find out the problem and send her immediately over to Adelaide on the Royal Flying Doctor service only to discover I believe, that she was near death.

My mother died. How could this happen? How could, it seems, one doctor take one look at her and see what was wrong when those others that saw my mother, seemingly just called her a whinger and told her to go home. When the ambulance called to pick her up from her home, her understanding was that she was told to go back home and that nothing was wrong with her. Why?

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