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"lack of feed back"

About: Flinders Medical Centre

(as a relative),

I posted on this wonderful web site and was heartened to read that my post had been read by a staff member. As a result I expect some feedback or at least a note of explanation/empathy/ or even an apology.

I posted here because I don't want anyone else to go thru what my family did. My father's death was not a 'good death'. It could have been better if the medical and nursing care which he received was more respectful.

So this is just a message to the public relations person at Flinders Medical Centre...please give feedback to people that post here. For every post there must be so many others that have stories to tell. Isn't there a duty of care to users of this health care system? How can improvements be made if things are just ignored?

Waiting in anticipation.


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