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"The Healthy Lifestyle Programme was most informative."

About: Rural Primary Health Service (Murrumbidgee Medicare Local)

(as a service user),

For 6 weeks I participated in a Healthy Lifestyle Programme. The course was most informative, and has helped me get back on track with my weight control and general healthy living. I'd recommend the course for anyone who needs direction (or reminding! ).

Our course was held by Amanda. If there was anything extra needed - it would be practical cooking demonstrations.

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Response from Cate Creswick, Executive Officer, Murrumbidgee Medicare Local 10 years ago
Cate Creswick
Executive Officer,
Murrumbidgee Medicare Local
Submitted on 26/02/2014 at 4:31 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:55 PM

Thank you for your feedback. That’s great news to hear you’re back on track with your health goals.

We will be having food demonstrations at the four month review sessions. The food demonstrations will help provide participants with some practical hints and tips as well as some easy to prepare healthy snack ideas. We hope you’re able to attend your four month review session to see what the food demonstration has to offer.

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