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"Conflicting experience of childbirth at Ipswich Hospital."

About: Ipswich Hospital / Gynaecology

(as the patient),

I went to hospital at 4am one morning with a bleed. I was 8 and a half months pregnant, so it was pretty scary to see. I rang birth suite. They told me to come up straight away. So I went up there straight away, terrified and in pain. They took me in and put me in an assessment room, by the time 6am came around it must've been changeover for the staff. It seemed to me that anyone had communicated that I was there, screaming in pain and bleeding. My mother helped me by going out and saying something to the staff in the area. 3 hours later, a lovely doctor came in, she was very compassionate and understanding. After examining me, she said it was probably a good idea that I got induced that day. So I agreed and I was taken to an actual birth suite room and induced at about 1. 30pm that afternoon. After a little while I was going through proper labour. By the time 8pm came I required an epidural as my body wasn't coping with the labour at all. Once the epidural was done, I was a lot happier and at more ease. At 10. 13pm, after pushing for about an hour and a half I gave birth to a baby boy. He was put on my chest, but he wasn't crying or breathing properly. So he was taken away to special care nursery straight away. I feel he was very well looked after there by the nurses and midwives. He is now almost a week old and at home with me, and I am very pleased with the experience there. Other then a few things when it started off.

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Response from West Moreton Health Service, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service 10 years ago
West Moreton Health Service
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Submitted on 6/06/2014 at 11:02 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 10/06/2014 at 10:31 AM

Firstly, we would like to congratulate you on the birth of your son! What an exciting time for you and your family.

We are extremely pleased to hear that the doctor who cared for you was compassionate and understanding and that you felt your son was well looked after by the nurses and midwives. We understand that it is a difficult time for new mums when their babies need to go to the Special Care Nursery and our staff work very hard to be supportive.

We were most disappointed to hear that you didn't feel supported, or attended to, when you first arrived. We have passed your feedback onto our midwifery team, as we know they will want to review how this may have happened so we get this important time right for all our mums.

Thank you for taking the time to use Patient Opinion and on behalf of everyone at Ipswich Hospital we hope you, your son and the rest of the family remain in the best possible health.

Kind regards

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

Consumer Liaison Service

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service


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