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"Pleased to see an organisation that can offer culturally appropriate level of service."

About: Integrated Team Care (Brisbane North PHN) IUIH (Brisbane North PHN)

(as the patient),

As an Aboriginal my experience with Medicare Local Greater South region has been very positive. The team of Natalie, Kylie and Liz who have assisted my application and assessment under the 'Closing the Gap by tackling Indigenous Chronic Disease' initiative should be commended. They have displayed professionally etiquette throughout my preliminary engagement and offered further support in relation to the management of my health condition. The understanding and knowledge that has been displayed during the course of my interaction with Kalwun and IUIH is second to none and is very pleasing to see that and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health organisation can offer culturally appropriate level of service. The equipment that has been provided to me to assist my sleeping and overall health will be of great benefit.

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Response from Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local 9 years ago
Submitted on 20/10/2014 at 3:32 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:02 PM

Dear Culturally Appropriate,

We are pleased that all of these people and services are helping you get healthier.

Something that you may or may not know is that there are a number of different services/program all working together and we are glad that it is working out for you. We work hard to integrate these services and program.

Kind Regards,

Metro North Brisbane Medicare Local.

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