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"I felt there was patient bullying"

About: Boonah Health Service

(as other),

A patient suffering from stoke after having heart valve operation I thought was bullied very recently. Other patients I saw were witness to what I feel was bad treatment. Many nurses attending me are excellent but some are ill or bad tempered especially, it seems, with this patient.

I think this hospital needs equipment for lifting or more strong male nurses to help with lifting and management of patients. I had many good experiences with the nurses attending me but some poor nursing as well. It seems no one has any continuity with care and no one seems to take responsibilty for the patients - I had 6 doctors during my stay. One who actually spoke to patients Dr Pat from Redcliffe Hosp others seemed too busy or pretending to be too busy. I see patients complained to other staff but the Nurse Educ said it was not her business likewise it would appear with other practitioners in different fields.

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Response from West Moreton Health Service, West Moreton Hospital and Health Service 9 years ago
West Moreton Health Service
West Moreton Hospital and Health Service
Submitted on 23/12/2014 at 11:10 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:42 PM

Dear Patient Bullied

I was very disappointed to hear that you felt a patient within our care was treated this way, and I am truly sorry you were witness to this type of event. Bullying is not something we condone at any time – not to our staff and especially not to our patients.

It was nice to hear you did have some good experiences.

Thank you for your concern about our staff lifting heavy items and patients. Our staff are trained to lift patients and objects without hurting themselves, this is something we believe is very important and all staff are trained each year to ensure their skills are kept up to date.

Continuity of care is also important to us, because we also know this helps our patients be in the best health they can be, and have a positive care experience. Unfortunately we can’t always provide continuity when some of our doctors are on leave and others may be relieving, which may mean our patients are seeing different doctors. We do try to minimise the impact of this as much as possible.

I have also followed up your point around raising complaints with any staff member at Boonah Hospital, and across all our services. All staff are responsible and welcome feedback, positive and negative, from our patients and families. This helps us improve our services and the care we provide.

If you would like to speak with someone further about your concerns, you are welcome to contact the Consumer Liaison Service by phone on 3810 1111 who are more than happy to assist.

Thank you for taking the time to write to us on Patient Opinion and I wish you the best possible health.

Kind regards

Linda Hardy

Executive Director, Clinical Services

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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