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"Day surgery at Private Hospital"

About: Maitland Private Hospital / General Surgery

(as the patient),

I was disappointed with the care I received at Maitland Private Hospital Day surgery. Prior to surgery, I did not have an opportunity to speak to the anaesthetist to let him know that I don't take anaesthetics well. When inserting the cannula, the nurse missed and went back for round two without any apology or giving me a breather before her next onslaught!

After my surgery, I felt rushed out the door by staff. I indicated to them I was quite nauseated, to which the reply was, - Really? You only had a little anaesthetic. Would you like your sandwich now?

I ducked to the loo before seeing the doctor and going home. Whilst in there, a nurse flung the door open to tell me the doctor was ready to see me. Um ... dignity?

There was, however, one nice nurse, and I think she was operating in an environment of quick turnaround times and lack of resources, and I commend her for her professionalism in this atmosphere.

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