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"Thankful for support from Anglicare."

About: Anglicare Central Queensland Partners in Recovery (Central Queensland Medicare Local)

(as a service user),

My spouse phoned Anglicare for me just over a year ago, when I was not coping very well with life, suffering from ongoing anxiety and depression. I was already on medication and had a good relationship with my GP, but really needed more support. Anglicare was able to help and I was visited by Partners in Recovery facilitator. The facilitator initially visited quite regularly and provided the support I needed to develop strategies to help me function in my day to day life. My GP was part of the process too, and I was helped to recover to be able to function better again. I also accessed other support, and was generally helped to get on with life again.

I'm very thankful for these positive outcomes.

There was one aspect of my relationship with the Anglicare service that I found frustrating, however. I found that my facilitator would sometimes set an appointment date, (and I would write it in my diary), and then not show up on that date. This happened a number of times. There were also some cancellations and appointments being postponed, (from Anglicare's end), but it was the number of times (at least 3 ) where the facilitator did not keep the date arranged, and there was no acknowledgement at all. I began to not trust the system and felt frustrated about it. I have moved past the need to be visited and assisted at the moment. I am extremely grateful for the help I received, but I am disappointed about the organisation of appointments, and the related unreliability.

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