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"High standard of patient care is evident at Box Hill Emergency Department"

About: Box Hill Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a relative),

We presented to the emergency department, a first for my sister, in the middle of the night. They could see immediately that my sister was distressed and in a lot of pain and saw to her immediately.

Quite remarkably, she received pain relief within 10/15 mins of arriving and an assessment provided. We were only in the ED for a few hours, but the care and attention given was commendable and my sister's pain was effectively managed.

Their high standard of patient care was evident as we were privy to listening to how the staff treated their other, very diverse patients near us. Thanks to Jennibeth, Sophie and Dr Racheal for an unexpected pleasant experience of the ED at Box Hill.

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Response from Jo Gatehouse, Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation (Acute Health and Consumer Participation and Patient Experience), Eastern Health 9 years ago
Jo Gatehouse
Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation (Acute Health and Consumer Participation and Patient Experience),
Eastern Health
Submitted on 15/05/2015 at 4:18 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 18/05/2015 at 11:07 AM

picture of Jo Gatehouse

Dear Anon2015,

Thank you for your feedback. We really appreciate you taking the time to let us know about your sister's positive experience in our Box Hill Emergency Department. Our staff are committed to providing high quality care to our community and I will ensure that your feedback is passed on to the managers and staff in our Box Hill ED (including those that you particularly mentioned). Thanks again for taking the time to provide your feedback and I hope that your sister is feeling much better now.



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