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"I have been stunned by every aspect of the care and attention at Maroondah Hospital"

About: Maroondah Hospital

(as the patient),

Recently I had a fall at home, tripped over my dog, had dishes in my hands and fell onto a glass. Badly lacerated my face and tore the ligaments in my little finger. I blacked out and had a large lump on my head. I had family with me and they took me to Maroondah Hospital emergency department. I was admitted, had x-rays on my finger, a scan on my head and my lacerations treated. I was told I would need plastic surgery.

The surgery didn't happen until the following Tuesday, it was delayed twice because of emergencies in theatre, I believe.

My complete experience at Maroondah, including my outpatient visit, has been incredible. I have been stunned by every aspect of the care and attention.

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 9 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 21/08/2015 at 2:17 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:22 PM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear dallas

Thank you so much for sharing your story on Patient Opinion - it's great to receive such positive feedback about the services and care we provide. It sounds like you had a bit of rough time, so I am just so pleased that our staff were able to be responsive to you when you arrived, in radiology, during surgery and then back in the Outpatients Department.

It's always terrific to receive positive feedback and I will take great pleasure in sharing your story with our front line staff as well as with the management team at Maroondah Hospital. I am very proud of the staff and the service which we provide and stories like yours go a long way to build and maintain pride and satisfaction in our staff. Thank you so much.

I do hope that you are now well and truly on the road to recovery. Thanks again for sharing your story.

Kind regards, Alan Lilly

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