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"Funding cuts jeopardise my maternity care"

About: Box Hill Hospital

(as the patient),

I'm having my third child at Box Hill Hospital and see Gill the physio there for pregnancy related back/pelvic issues. Every time I come back it seems like something else has been cut due to funding. First it was pre-baby exercises, now it's one less physio. Gill is fantastic and helps me through the pregnancy and after but I'm afraid next time I come in there will be no women's health funding and I won't be able to get help.

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 9 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 9/10/2015 at 7:06 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:38 AM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear PO_OCT03

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. I am unaware of any changes in the maternity care services with regard to physiotherapy services but I will follow-up and get back to you.

Many thanks, Alan Lilly

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 9 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 25/10/2015 at 3:17 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 26/10/2015 at 10:22 AM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear PO_OCT03

Just a quick note to let you know that I have followed this up and have received a full explanation on the changes which have been made. Through this, I have learned that some of the changes were made as a result of temporary funding coming to an end.

I have also been advised that the Director of Physiotherapy Services continues to monitor the distribution and availability of physiotherapy services right across Eastern Health. He was pleased to review your email and noted the positive feedback with regard to Gill.

So, thank you again for sharing your story on Patient Opinion.

Kind regards, Alan Lilly

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