I am an RN ( paediatrics, neonatal, postnatal ) working at large birthing unit. I am also a qualified lactation consultant. I am one of the 'disappearing' breed of nurse that took pride in caring for her patients well with respect, compassion and patience. Unfortunately, nurses like me with 40+ yrs of experience are leaving our profession in droves or in many cases being 'driven' away to accommodate the cheaper, less experienced model of carer ...... I know exactly how "Undecided" ( https://www.patientopinion.org.au/opinions/59016 ) feels and unfortunately her experience is becoming the norm rather than the exception. Statistics show us that the rate of women developing postnatal depression and anxiety disorders is increasing. Society also impresses upon new mothers the importance of exclusive breastfeeding but with the present poor staffing levels in most hospitals the education and support clearly not given to "Undecided" is becoming accepted practice ....... Health Depts, Hospitals and Unit Managers need to wake-up and take responsibility for the role they are playing in setting many of our new mothers up for failure ..... and this is before they have even left the hospital. New mothers like "Undecided" have a right to focused care allowing the nurse/s caring for them to educate, support, assess and encourage competently within the framework of a more realistic and workable nurse-to-patient ratio.
"Decline in postnatal care at ward level"
About: Western Australia Western Australia
Posted by FlorenceN (as ),
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