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"I enjoy working at Makeables"

About: Makeables Multicap

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

One of the young men Multicap supports has asked for assistance sharing his story.

He was born with Autism but that hasn’t slowed him down. After coming through the State Special School system, he made his way to Monte Lupo.

He began working at Monte Lupo in the packaging area when he was 16 in a work experience role. Now 19, he is an valuable employee at Makeables at Rocklea.

“I enjoy working at Makeables because I’m here with my friends and doing jobs like flock tags and other packaging jobs that I like, ” he said.

He is also a participant in the Avegates programs. Through Avegates he has joined the team on a number of outings including a recent trip to a rodeo in Warwick and he participates in the All Ways Access Football Program.

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Response from Joanne Jessop, CEO, Multicap 8 years ago
Joanne Jessop
Submitted on 1/12/2015 at 5:02 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 2/12/2015 at 5:46 PM

picture of Joanne Jessop

How great to hear the opportunities that have been created at Makeables and at Avegates for this young man. Both Makeables and Avegates are Multicap innovations. Thank you for assisting him to share his story of achievements with us all.

Regards Jo

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