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"Inner South Community Health Dental Service"

About: Dental Clinic - Southport

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

I had an emergency with a tooth breaking in half. I came in to wait and was seen when the dentist had a little break between patients. He didn't have to do that as it made him be flat out working without that break. I am incredibly grateful. I was scared, as the nerve was close to getting exposed.

Two: - The dentists here have always been kind and haven't belittled me for me dread of needles. And their work has lasted. As I was sitting in the dentist chair today, It occurred to me: This man could have gone and trained to be a businessman building or selling unnecessary crap for money to get something out of people: -but he didn't. Instead he went and trained as a dentist and he is there to help me with my pain and fear. Thats pretty fantastic. I am very grateful to him and you all here –

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Response from Star Health Group Ltd 8 years ago
Submitted on 3/12/2015 at 11:59 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:12 PM

Dear SM

Many thanks for sharing your story on Care Opinion and such great feedback too. I am glad to read that our dental treatment at SouthPort met your expectations.

I will be sure to pass your comments on to our Dental Team who will be very pleased to hear your feedback - after all, we all need to know where we excel and where we need to improve so all feedback is most welcome and certainly very much appreciated.

Thanks again for taking the time to write and share your story, our first post on Care Opinion!

Kind regards,

Damian Ferrie (CEO)

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