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"Eastern @ Home provide exceptional care and well organized service"

About: Eastern @ Home (Eastern Health)

(as the patient),

I would like to pass on my gratitude to the staff of Eastern@Home service, for exceptional service during my few days of at home care. I felt completely informed and comfortable with the way it was organized. From the initial call explaining where the clinic is located and parking to treatment with the at home nurses.

All staff I saw were very caring and professional.

What a fantastic Service.

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 8 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 7/01/2016 at 11:16 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:29 AM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear Me

Thank you so much for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. We really do appreciate you taking the time to share your experience and everything looks like it went to plan. I agree that it is indeed a fantastic service and very much the way of the future in healthcare.

I will take great pleasure in passing your feedback on to the Eastern@Home team and also to their managers. They will be chuffed no doubt to receive your very positive feedback.

Thanks again for getting in touch and best wishes for a full recovery and a great year ahead.

Kind regards, Alan Lilly
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