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"Not my fault I'm slow to recover."

About: Maroondah Hospital

(as the patient),

I attended the clinic recently, and was very disappointed and hurt by the patient care I received.

The original injury which was treated on the day it occurred was not stabilized adequately and at week three resulted in a second visit to emergency. As the sight of the injury was compromised due to this initial care it has resulted in severe pain and delays to healing. Using the doctor’s words, I am currently not where one would expect the average patient to be. He said I am only 50-60% of where he would expect me to be. I believe this delay has not been the result of my own lethargy.

During my visit with the doctor today, at times his voice was raised (very loud), bossy and lacked empathy and his words did not exhibit patient care. His facial expressions were dominated by frowning and his body language was intimidating. When I expressed that I was feeling threatened he endeavoured to change his tone but this was short lived.

For continuity of patient care and best use of doctors time my case may have been better managed if I was able to see the same doctor and benefit from building doctor patient relationship, confidence in the medical advice, and not become the brunt of a frustrated physician.

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Response from Alan Lilly, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 8 years ago
Alan Lilly
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 8/02/2016 at 7:41 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 9/02/2016 at 9:05 AM

picture of Alan Lilly

Dear Slow in recovery

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion. I am really so sorry that your interaction with our service has left you feeling hurt and disappointed like this and I can see that we have fallen short of both yours and my own expectations.

Your comments are a timely reminder on what is important to patients and I am pleased that you were confident to remind the treating doctor about his body language and its impact on you. It's important that patients always speak up.

I will follow this up for you and I will be sure to provide this feedback on your behalf back to the Outpatients Department. I will do this right away.

Once again, please do accept my apologies for your experience and please be reassured that I will be in touch with the management team at Maroondah Hospital to alert them to your experience.

Thanks again for taking the time to get in touch.

Kind regards, Alan Lilly

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