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"Can we explore an alternative way of treating mental illness"

About: Box Hill Hospital / Upton House

(as a parent/guardian),

I had a spiritual kundalini awakening and it was misinterpreted as schizophrenia. Psychiatrists need better knowledge and understanding of transpersonal issues facing consumers if they want to be taken seriously. The is much to explore, instead of hindering people in their spiritual development with drugs, they can work along side them to get to the core issues. Too often a diagnosis is based on OPINION rather than truth and the client may not have the neccessary framework, knowledge and ideas to express themselves fully because these ideas are esoteric. A ladder can be made with words and feeling to help lift people out of psychosis, this along with shamanic practices can access those parts of the brain which are not often used in this culture. With this knowledge, patients can heal without meds.

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Response from Jo Gatehouse, Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation (Acute Health and Consumer Participation and Patient Experience), Eastern Health 8 years ago
Jo Gatehouse
Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation (Acute Health and Consumer Participation and Patient Experience),
Eastern Health
Submitted on 8/02/2016 at 9:59 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:06 AM

picture of Jo Gatehouse

Dear nomoreinjections,

Thank you for sharing your experience on Patient Opinion.

Our Mental Health Services strive to provide a holistic assessment, reflective of individual strengths and diversity; inclusive of spiritual and wellbeing views, however I note that on this occasion the service has not met your needs or expectations.

I know that the treating team involved in your care would welcome the opportunity to talk through the care you received to enable them to learn from your experience and enhance assessment and treatment practice. I would be happy to facilitate this if you would like to contact me, either by email: or through our Centre for Patient Experience on 1800 327 8376.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to provide feedback about our services.

Kind Regards,

Jo Gatehouse

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