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"Quick, efficient and kind"

About: Broome Health Campus

(as a parent/guardian),

My young daughter was sick and it was the middle of the night.  I found the staff were very kind and efficient.  The treatment was effective and professional.  I felt valued and taken seriously.

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Response from Carmen Morgan, Regional Director Of Nursing, WACHS - Kimberley 8 years ago
Carmen Morgan
Regional Director Of Nursing,
WACHS - Kimberley
Submitted on 4/05/2016 at 12:29 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:25 PM

Dear Midnight mum

Thanks for taking the time to provide feedback regarding your recent encounter with the Broome Health Campus. Our goal always is to provide the highest standard of care possible and to ensure those utilising our services are central in decisions regarding treatment.

My best wishes to you and your young daughter.

Kind regards

Carmen Morgan

Regional Director of Nursing

WACHS - Kimberley

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