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"Appreciation of staff"

About: Kimberley Population Health Unit

(as a staff member),

A staff member from another health organisation, would like to thank and show appreciation to the KPHU Disease Control team for their support and expertise.

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Response from Maureen Crowther, Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing, WA Country Health Service 8 years ago
Maureen Crowther
Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing,
WA Country Health Service

Currently rolling out patient opinion across the Kimberley

Submitted on 14/03/2016 at 2:39 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 3:30 PM

picture of Maureen Crowther

Dear dahs

Thankyou for taking the time to access Patient Opinion to express your gratitude about the KPHU Disease Control Unit. We all like to hear we are appreciated!I will make sure they receive your thoughtful message.

Kind regards

Maureen Crowther

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