I needed to get a cyst in my gum looked at, which is now to me considered an emergency as my tooth under the cyst is loose. As a full time student I don't have money to get it removed so I called Toowoomba Based Hospital and they told me to call Ipswich because I don't live in the Toowoomba region. Thinking I would have to go to Ipswich (an hour away from where I live), I called the Gatton dental services instead that links with the West Moreton dental services about their service and how to book an appointment. The woman rudely answered my questions briefly and told me to call a number between 7-8am.
I called the number at 7:15am roughly, the call was to the West Morton dental services in Ipswich which I thought was odd and wondered why there isn't an appointment system in Gatton. I was put on hold for the whole time and got cut off at 10 to 8. I understand that they get a lot of calls but to get cut off like that really speaks out to me - as a first impression of the service - how they really care for their patients.
There should be a system where each dental clinic should have their own appointment system instead of calling Ipswich even though I want an appointment at the Gatton dental clinic.
There should be another system like an email or online system to book an appointment for yourself or a way to show the seriousness of your emergency to be prioritised. I feel like I'm going to lose this tooth any day now and it doesn't help that I clench and grind my teeth which is getting worse as now I'm stressing out about my tooth.
Staff should be trained to not be rude especially when a person wants to know more about their service.
It may be me being picky but it's not nice to patiently wait for service for half an hour and then automatically be cut off.
Even so, I am going to call again at 7am on the dot and hopefully sort something out. I don't have money for a private dentist and I can't afford to loose my tooth.
"Trying to book an appointment - my experience"
About: West Moreton Hospital and Health Service West Moreton Hospital and Health Service Ipswich 4305 https://www.westmoreton.health.qld.gov.au/
Posted by Unhappychappy (as ),
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