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"Child Health Nurse maybe needs to change communication manner."

About: Geraldton Community Health Service

(as a parent/guardian),

I feel it is necessary to anonymously share how a number of mothers in the Geraldton community are feeling about a particular child health nurse.

I have had many dealings with this community nurse including home visits and clinic visits with my newborn baby. I find her manner quite abrupt and feel she comes across quite awkward/rude due to a lack of people skills.

Five other mothers in my mother's group have expressed their concern about her and the way she makes new mothers feel. I'm sure she isn't purposely attempting to make new mothers feel sad, but she has made myself and 5 other ladies that I know cry during her sessions due to her lack of compassion and blunt/cold manner.

The other child health nurses I have met with have been bright, bubbly and fully supportive by praising myself and my partner about how we are coping with parenthood.

The child health clinic is obviously an invaluable resource to the Geraldton community but I do feel that the one I'm referring to needs to alter the way she communicates with mothers as to not give the service a bad name.

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Response from Liz Kelly, A/Coordinator Executive Services, WA Country Health Service Midwest 8 years ago
Liz Kelly
A/Coordinator Executive Services,
WA Country Health Service Midwest
Submitted on 11/05/2016 at 5:51 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 12/05/2016 at 8:28 AM

picture of Liz Kelly

Dear Happy Mum 1987

Thank you for writing to us to share your concerns about the care and communication provided to you by one of our Child Health Nurses. I am sorry to hear that this has not been the positive experience it should have been for you and your family. We would be grateful if you could contact us directly to discuss the issues you have raised. Your call would be welcome and your concerns still addressed anonymously if you wish. If you would like to do this please phone Karen Street, Director Population Health on 9956 1962.

WA Country Health Service Midwest is committed to providing positive, compassionate, consumer centered care and support to all families as they adjust to the demands of parenthood. We know it is both a challenging and rewarding time and aim to meet each family’s needs. Good communication is a vital part of being able to provide this care and we will discuss your concerns about communication with all staff. Communications skills training has also been planned for all our Child Health Nurses during May.

Feedback is highly valued at WA Country Health Service Midwest because it allows us to identify areas for improvement from the consumers perspective. Please be assured that we are willing to address any concerns and provide the best possible service to all.

I hope you and your new family are doing very well and that we can address your concerns and continue to support you all.

Kind Regards


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Response from Michele Young, REOC Lead, Executive Services, WACHS-Midwest 7 years ago
We have made a change
Michele Young
REOC Lead, Executive Services,
Submitted on 17/07/2017 at 2:15 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:55 PM

picture of Michele Young

Dear Happy Mum 1987,

Just a quick update to let you know that communication training has been provided to the Community Health Nurses. The Communication in the Workplace training aimed to develop effective communication skills which included listening, written and verbal, emotional, working in groups and interpersonal skills.

WA Country Health Service Midwest strives to provide quality consumer-centred care by building positive partnerships with our health service users and effective communication is key to achieving this.

Thanks again for sharing your experience, your feedback has allowed us an opportunity to improve our service.

Kind regards


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