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"No Help"

About: Emerald Hospital Rockhampton Base Hospital / Ear, Nose and Throat Services

(as the patient),

I have a voice problem that has been getting worse since the problem was first noticed in 2013. The doctors could not care less (Emerald Hospital, ENT doctors Rockhampton), the local doctors including the ENT people were happy just to sit back and laugh at me and tell other doctors that I was making it up. It seems getting help is very hard to get for a problem they cannot identify, besides give other doctors the wrong information while my throat/voice gets worse and getting to a point of putting a knife to my own throat to end the torment. The ENT doctor down south in a prominent hospital was no help either, changed his prognoses twice now - no idea

I am having minor to near major heart problems, an easy fix, no laughing about that, but now I could not care less. The doctors need to learn more about patient feelings and how to find a solution to a problem that they have not come across before. If my heart does get worse, then stiff cheese to me, I will not go anywhere near the hospital for help.

My last minor heart problem was very recent. My blood pressure was 255/147 and like the hospital doctors, I don't care and just laugh at the high readings.

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Response from Care Opinion Australia 8 years ago
Submitted on 30/06/2016 at 10:32 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 11:00 AM

The below response has been provided by Rockhampton Base Hospital and published by Patient Opinion:

Dear dickie heart,

We are very willing and keen to assist you, however we would like you to contact us to discuss your concerns directly with us.

We sincerely encourage you to contact us please at any of the below details:

Our telephone numbers are 1300 030 909 / 07 4920 6393 / Fax 4920 6399



Our role here is to assist patients and their families in a confidential manner with any concerns they raise.

We hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards,


Consumer Liaison Officer

Quality and Safety Unit

Central Queensland Hospital and Health Service.

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