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"Permanent Heart speed reduction from 180 to 90"

About: Box Hill Hospital

(as the patient),

; ) Thank you all for your tireless efforts - we all got there in the end as a team!

It has been the most challenging experience of my life trying to prove to the world, I was a product of my past and you all showed me the best way to prove to them we are right! - It also makes one question could it be the root cause of many other conditions and I am not only talking about Heart Disease. So much more to learn about the human body and mind and you all are the team to discover it!  I know it in my heart. ; )

-Will never be forgotten!

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Response from Jo Gatehouse, Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation (Acute Health and Consumer Participation and Patient Experience), Eastern Health 8 years ago
Jo Gatehouse
Director, Quality, Planning and Innovation (Acute Health and Consumer Participation and Patient Experience),
Eastern Health
Submitted on 14/06/2016 at 5:35 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 15/06/2016 at 9:07 AM

picture of Jo Gatehouse

Dear -D,

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion.

I am responding on behalf of Alan Lilly, our Chief Executive, who is currently on leave.

It sounds as though you have been well supported by the staff caring for you and it is reassuring to read that you felt part of the team!

At Eastern Health the staff strive to work in partnership with patients to achieve the best possible outcomes and it is always pleasing to hear positive feedback from a person who has experienced this.

Thanks again for sharing your experience.

Kind regards,

Jo Gatehouse

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