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"The Gift of Another Chance at Life"

About: Inner South Community Health

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

Sorry and Apologies for not writing down my story sooner than today from my deepest darkest days over the last three years of absolute hell, which now through gods grace, doctors counselors and the most loving supportive husband children mother sister and friends who never once judged me but did all they could to try and understand anxiety and depression and even when they could not really relate, never gave up on me although I truly had given up ......with all the love I received, medical, being teachable and being open to dig deeply into past losses of loved ones, trauma pain, rejection, unforgiveness, inadequacies, and all that this life throws at u which definitely cannot be just swept under the carpet, as in your weak vulnerable seasons of life comes back and bite you with extreme fatigue emotionally and physically and then mentally if we don't heed to the beginning warning signs. depression, panic attacks, anxiety insecurity, irrational thoughts and behaviour suddenly consumes one. I can testify from the bottom of my heart relief, healing and restoration can does really happen. Be open, teachable completely honest and accountable to all who love and are caring for you so your recovery can begin its process back to living life again to its fullest and not just existing in agony. Pace yourself, set boundaries, continue therapy even if you are going good and great. Whatever support you can get embrace it accept it, as we are all not blessed with committed understanding family, compatible doctor and professional supports as I have. I am and will be forever grateful to God, my family, my doctors, medicine which u need never fear when you're safe in the correct supporting team which does include the whole above package. Take the first step and u too can be rescued for the hell of this illness that has no scare to show anyone ......plead for understanding and help because there is someone if only one who will hear you. Then it's just one tiny baby step at a time until you start walking talking loving and living and laughing again I promise. If it happened for me it WILL happen for u. I am available to chat talk listen and hear you if you want me to. I am no professional in this but do understand as I was really there, in that silent lying, life destroying, trap but now I can truly say have been set free sincerely through almighty God and my encouraging committed loving family and friends as well as I said the gifted men and women who have studied and qualified to assist recovery for depression /breakdown/complete burn out physically, emotionally and even spiritually. It is with such deep gratitude in my heart I know I have been given the gift for another chance at this life again. Through all who helped me fight for me again. I salute you and say thank you from and with all that is within me. It's now my turn to give you back what you so unconditionally extended to me. I feel honoured to bless you all within the means I have and can xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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