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"Unwilling helper at Housing branch"

About: Housing Services - Brookvale

(as a service user),

I have been homeless for over a while, recently I called up for an appointment and was told that they shut at 5. 00pm. I have trouble with mobility and needed assistance to get to the building. I got there just after 4. 30pm and found that the building was closed - it is shared with the Centrelink branch which closes at 4. 30. I rang the office to see if someone could come down and let me in. 20 minutes later a member of staff came down, blocked me from entering the building and asked for my forms. As I am homeless I don't have immediate access to a computer and I was hoping to be able to use theirs to obtain the necessary forms. I was told to come back at 9. 00am. This really got my goat up and we exchanged a few chosen words.

I was able to contact the manager who said they would talk to that particular staff member.

All I want is the opportunity to get my life back together but it appears to be hindered by certain staff.

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Response from Phil Hugill, Acting District Director Northern Sydney, NSW Department of Family and Community Services 8 years ago
Phil Hugill
Acting District Director Northern Sydney,
NSW Department of Family and Community Services
Submitted on 4/07/2016 at 2:12 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:57 PM

picture of Phil Hugill

Hi Newlife

I am upset to hear you feel that your experience at the Brookvale Housing Office was not positive and we were unable to help you. My team are trying hard to reach out and support people seeking accommodation and we understand the challenges you face. Can I suggest you make contact with the Team Leader and talk through with her your situation and lets see what we can do to help you.

The contact is; The team leader is Kulangani Mataraarachchi


Phone: (02) 9809 8407

I encourage you to contact Kulangani and lets see what can be done.


Phil Director NSD FACS

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Update posted by newlife (a service user)

I have spoken to Kulangani, explained the situation and she didn't quite get what I was asking or saying and went ahead and did her own thing. It may help me with accommodation as I have not had a house since Easter day 2015 but it really wasn't what I was asking for.

Response from Lisa Cahill, Senior Project Officer, Housing NSW - Northern Sydney 8 years ago
Lisa Cahill
Senior Project Officer,
Housing NSW - Northern Sydney
Submitted on 5/07/2016 at 3:54 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:41 PM

Hi Newlife

I am sorry to hear that there has been some confusion. The Housing team are investigating the incident.

A further appointment with Kulangani or one of her team will be an opportunity to discuss your concerns and needs.

In addition to the assistance that Kulangani can provide, there are also other services at the Brookvale Housing Office that may be of assistance to you.

These are drop in services and don’t require you to make an appointment between the hours of 10.00 am and 12 noon on the following days:

Mondays - Partners In Recovery

Tuesdays - Mission Australia

Thursdays - New Horizons

There are also Housing outreach events the Fairlight Centre in Manly that you may be interested in. The next one will be held on Tuesday 21 June at 10.30 -12 noon. No appointment is necessary, just drop in. These events are another opportunity to meet with Housing staff.


Lisa Cahill

Senior Project Officer

Family and Community Services.

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