I had a cancerous cell removed from my lower leg and a graft to cover the wound. I then had to have the wound redressed at a later date and I was then sent on my way without any real ongoing wound management from the hospital, other than to change the dressing daily and apply an ointment. After presenting to my local Medical Centre a few days later, it was found that my wound was infected and consequently, I was put on a daily routine of presenting to the Medical Centre and having my wound cleaned and redressed. Because of the infection my graft has failed and now after 6 weeks of treatment, I am now back where I started from needing another 5-6 weeks of daily care to try and get my wound to heal. If I had been given a proper ongoing wound management program at the start, I feel that my graft would have been ok and the infection could have been nipped in the bud earlier.
Back in November 2015, I had a total knee replacement with Hollywood Private Hospital and had follow-up care with the Plantagenet Medical Group. The professional care and concern for the patient could not have been better during my stay and the management program set out after hospitalisation could not be faulted. The competent nurses and doctors could not have performed any better. Their care and concern for my recovery was 100% commitment.
"Need for more ongoing wound management."
About: Albany Health Campus Albany Health Campus Albany 6330 GPs in the O'Connor Electoral District GPs in the O'Connor Electoral District KALGOORLIE 6430 Hollywood Private Hospital Hollywood Private Hospital Nedlands 6009
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