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"Drug Arm Australasia, Fairfield"

About: Drug ARM Australasia - Fairfield

(as a service user),

I feel like it's a safe space. It feels good to be heard and to get the knowledge and support. I'm grateful to Drug Arm.

Drug Arm should be more publicised. It's not as well known as it should be.

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Response from Tim Buckley, Healthy Options Australia 8 years ago
Tim Buckley
Healthy Options Australia
Submitted on 28/09/2016 at 4:14 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:18 PM

Dear Safespace,

We are really glad to hear you experienced our service as a safe place where you felt heard and supported. We strive to put our clients at the centre of our service and by providing us feedback you are helping us get the word out to others who might also need a 'safe space', so we are grateful to you too.

All the best going forward,


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