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About: Royal Perth Hospital

(as other),

Diagnosis of aggressive cancer of the lip - waited 7 months for an operation because the Royal Perth Hospital was too busy to perform the appropriate surgery - was born and have resided in the North West of WA all my life - the outcome of this extensive wait is now cancer of the Lymph nodes directly stemming from the lip.

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Response from East Metropolitan Health Service 8 years ago
Submitted on 28/09/2016 at 12:49 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 12:50 PM

Dear ossie,

Thank you for your post regarding your experience with Royal Perth Hospital (RPH). Can I begin by apologising. This we understand is a very distressing and unacceptable experience and outcome for you and your family and friends. We would be very grateful if you would consider contacting us through the Royal Perth Hospital Consumer Engagement Unit via email or call (08) 9224 1637 so that we can investigate this further. This will also help us better understand changes required to stop this occurring again. We would like to once again to thank you for taking the time to inform us and to apologise to you.

Kind regards

Dr Aresh Anwar,

Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group,
Royal Perth Hospital

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