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"Townsville Hospital ED and Children's Ward"

About: The Townsville Hospital / Emergency Department

(as a carer),

My baby was admitted for 5 days for bronchiolitis and had to be fed through a nasogastric tube. The wonderful nurses in ED were quick to organise a breast pump to ensure that my baby would be fed my expressed milk. I mentioned while in the children's ward that I had a few questions and a lactation consultant visited me soon after. She was fantastic and helpful and made me feel very confident in my abilities to express and to continue feeding once my baby had recovered.

I also had exceptional support from several nurses in ED (paeds day shift) while making decisions about the treatments my baby was to receive which helped me to feel confident and involved in bub's care. Overall the treatment I received from the TTH staff (particularly the nurses in ED and children's ward) made an awful, stressful time easier to get through.

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