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"My brother who was assessed by the Aged Care Assessment Service"

About: Peter James Centre

(as a relative),

My brother who is an older man had been in and out of hospitals for the past few months. He was at a private hospital then transferred to to another hospital (for rehab) then to transition care (through yet another hospital) then back to a medical centre. We finally insisted that he go home and were quite desperate for support in the community. We were told we needed an assessment. He was assessed a month or so ago. The person who assessed him was very informative explaining types of services and information that could help him. She was very patient and respectful and really understood the situation and the difficulty we were experiencing trying to support him at home. I appreciate her help and professionalism.

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Response from David Plunkett, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 8 years ago
David Plunkett
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 29/09/2016 at 7:38 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 9:14 AM

picture of David Plunkett

Dear Very patient

Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback on Patient Opinion. It sounds like you and your family have been dealing with some very difficult and stressful issues over the past few months.

I am so pleased the staff member from the assessment service was able to support you during this really difficult time and hope you were able to take the best road for your brother.

Hearing first-hand the difference our staff make to people's lives provide immense satisfaction, so I will ensure the assessment service staff receive your feedback.

Many thanks again Very patient and wish you and your family all the very best.

Kind regards


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