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"A grateful daughter"

About: Boronia Court Aged Care Facility HammondCare At Home Central Coast

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

My mother  commenced a Level 1 / 2 package with Hammondcare in 2013. My mother was not keen on having home care, but as she grew to trust her Case Manager, she allowed her Case Manager to have a care worker visit her for 1 service a week. Her Case Manager would visit her regularly to access any further needs required. As my mother’s mental and physical health declined, she became increasingly bored and scared to be alone, her Case Manager suggested an increase to her services to Monday, Wednesday, Friday and just recently Sundays for Social Support, Transport to medical appointments and Domestic Assistance. This alleviated a lot of stress that I was getting from constantly having to take time off work to take my mother to appointments and to organise her daily life. My mother went to Boronia Court for 2 weeks respite. Whilst there, a full-time residential position became available and we decided to accept. Her Case Manager has always been very approachable, understanding and considerate of all of our needs. I feel without the assistance that her Case Manager and care workers provided, my mother would not have accepted home care at all. Could you please thank her Case Manager and all of her care workers for looking after my Mother so well.

A Grateful Daughter

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Response from David Martin, HammondCare at Home 8 years ago
David Martin
HammondCare at Home
Submitted on 6/10/2016 at 5:22 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:29 PM

Thank you so much for your story. It is important for us that our staff show love, compassion and respect for the people they care for. I am encouraged to hear of how your mother grew to trust her Case Manager and how that trust allowed for greater support over time.

We have shared your story with the care team at HammondCare At Home Central Coast so that they could hear of the difference they made.

With appreciation,

David Martin

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