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"The wonderful care provided by HammondCare"

About: HammondCare Lucinda Cottage

(as a staff member posting for a patient/service user),

We are so lucky to have access to the wonderful care provided by HammondCare. The carers at Lucinda Cottage are just that – carers, as opposed to minders. All supervised by a wonderful staff member, who’s warmth and welcome are legend. The respect and care shown not only to the guests but to those of us who are caring for them on a daily basis is a great blessing – enabling us to “re-charge” and carry on. I don’t know how I could cope without the wonderful people at HammondCare.

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Response from David Martin, HammondCare at Home 8 years ago
David Martin
HammondCare at Home
Submitted on 31/10/2016 at 2:25 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:29 PM

Thank you so much for your story. I am grateful for your feedback which speaks so highly of the Lucinda Cottage staff and your experience of the service as a carer. I am proud of the HammondCare At Home staff team and the way they value both clients and carers and so it is heartening to hear of the warmth and welcome shown to you at Lucinda. It is my pleasure to tell your story to the staff team.

Kind regards,

David Martin

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