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"HammondCare's Day Programme"

About: HammondCare At Home South East Sydney South East Sydney Social Club

(as a staff member posting for a carer/relative),

I would like to compliment your day programs and the people that run them.

They are extremely well coordinated and very flexible.

Without this service I would not be able to work or have time out.

Thank you for this great service.

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Response from David Martin, HammondCare at Home 7 years ago
David Martin
HammondCare at Home
Submitted on 10/11/2016 at 9:12 AM
Published on Care Opinion on 11/11/2016 at 1:21 PM

Thank you for your story. It is great to read of your appreciation of the South East Sydney Social Club, and the support the program has provided to you as a carer. We are particularly thankful for your story because HammondCare is committed to providing services that value choice and flexibility. The staff team at the social club will be delighted to hear that the service is making such a difference to you.

Kind regards,

David Martin

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