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"Patient wait time in a small town"

About: Fitzroy Crossing Hospital

(as the patient),

I live in a small remote area and the only doctor you can see is through the emergency. So when you just need a script, which I do every week you have to go through triage to see a doctor. Most times there is more than one doctor on during the day, so why don't they try having 1 doctor on for appointments and 1 for emergencies! The wait time is ridiculous and have been waiting for several hours at a time just for a script!

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Response from Maureen Crowther, Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing, WA Country Health Service 7 years ago
Maureen Crowther
Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing,
WA Country Health Service

Currently rolling out patient opinion across the Kimberley

Submitted on 23/12/2016 at 6:52 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 27/12/2016 at 11:28 AM

picture of Maureen Crowther

Dear Frustrated worker

I understand it is frustrating waiting around for a script, especially if you have to do it each week.

As you mentioned, ED departments operate on a triage system where emergencies are prioritized according to strict criteria.

I have passed on your comments to our medical Director and local doctors to review the situation.

Thank-you for taking the time to write your story on patient opinion

kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Maureen Crowther, Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing, WA Country Health Service 7 years ago
Maureen Crowther
Patient Opinion Cordinator, Nursing,
WA Country Health Service

Currently rolling out patient opinion across the Kimberley

Submitted on 28/12/2016 at 12:45 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 4:15 PM

picture of Maureen Crowther

Dear Frustrated worker

I have been in contact with Fitzroy acting senior medical officer who explained to me there are two doctors, one rostered for GP clinic, 0800 - 1700 and another who does a scheduled clinic from 0800 - 1300. Sometimes there is a third doctor ( 1 - 3 times a week) pending availability.

The clinic is generally a first in first serve walk in style clinic although appointments can also be booked.

On the rare occasion or a concurrent extreme emergency all available doctors will be called to assist.

I hope this helps to explain the situation and provides you with some opportunities to plan your visits and reduce your waiting times.

Once again, thank you for sharing your experience on Patient Opinion.

Kind regards


  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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