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"Receptionists need to listen more."

About: HammondCare At Home Hunter

(as a parent/guardian),

I rang up to inquire about days my nan would be getting nurses to turn up, only to continually get patronized by the lady on the other end treating me like I didn't understand what she was saying... I understood perfectly clearly what she was saying, but to continually be interrupted and not listening to what I was trying to tell her really makes me wonder what people you hire if you have staff that I feel was belittling me by phone. I will ring back again as I know what I asked for hasn't been done anyway...

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Response from David Martin, HammondCare at Home 7 years ago
David Martin
HammondCare at Home
Submitted on 23/12/2016 at 2:24 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 2:31 PM

Thank you for providing this feedback to us, and I would like to apologise for this unfortunate experience. At HammondCare we work hard to provide supportive, professional and responsive service to clients and their families. Unlike other Home Care providers, who are closing local offices and using capital city based phone contact centres instead, HammondCare is actually opening new offices in local areas to improve contact with local communities.

It would assist me to get some more information from you about which team you contacted, so that I can provide better staff training and feedback where it may be needed. If you would like to email me a contact number at, I would then be happy to give you a call and discuss this with you.


David Martin

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