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"My first appointment within the ENT department"

About: Ipswich Hospital

(as the patient),

My experience felt like a complete shambles due to apparent indecisiveness and sheer lack of attention by senior staff members.

My appointment was based on the matter of an apparent benign lump on my neck /throat region.

The initial interviewing doctor took a number of notes from me regarding this complaint. I also told her about a current complaint regarding my lower neck /throat region that has both I and my partner very concerned.

The initial doctor did a basic external examination of my neck / throat, after which she administered a local anesthetic to my throat via my nose, then promptly left the room to consult a more senior member of staff.

She returned with the more senior member, plus a medical student in tow; the senior member also did a basic external examination, then mentioned he would arrange an operation for me to have my initial complaint of a nodule in the throat to be corrected.

During this discussion I told him of my current complaint that does have myself and my partner very concerned - which he seemed to totally ignore. Eventually, he decided not to proceed with the arrangements for an operation on my initial complaint. His reasoning for change of mind was - 'I had been able to manage so far for a number of years with it, without too much bother. We will wait and get another ultrasound done in 5 months time to see if the initial complaint has changed at all.' Nothing more was mentioned about my current complaint / concern that is situated in the lower portion of my throat / neck. No internal examination of any kind was undertaken at all.

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Response from Sandy Lewis, Senior Consumer Liaison Officer, Clinical Governance, Queensland Health - West Moreton 7 years ago
Sandy Lewis
Senior Consumer Liaison Officer, Clinical Governance,
Queensland Health - West Moreton
Submitted on 27/02/2017 at 9:00 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:40 AM

Dear Throttled,

We agree that it can be very worrying for patients when they have a lump that needs medical attention, so we are genuinely sorry your appointment has left you more confused, rather than reassured.

We would like to speak with you about your experience and assist in any way we can. You can contact the Consumer Liaison Office on 0409 275 503 during business hours (8:30 – 16:30) or you can email us at your convenience - Please be assured your contact is welcome and we are sincere in our offer of assistance.

At West Moreton we welcome consumer feedback because it helps us to identify things that we do well, as well as areas of care that require improvement. Ultimately, ongoing quality improvement helps us to provide our community with the best healthcare service possible.

Thank you for sharing your story and we hope to hear from you soon.

Kind regards

Consumer Liaison Office

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service

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