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About: Royal Perth Hospital

(as the patient),

I had an appointment with the neurologist at 0950am, I did not get to see the neurologist until 1105am, but that was the fault of a new receptionist, as she forgot about the paper work for a patient that was already waiting for over an hour.

I was called into the neurologist consultant room and was met with a big bright smile, I cant remember her name but she was very helpful, considerate, and professional.

So I don't have any complaints, just the waiting time but these thing happen.

a Big thank you to all.

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Response from Aresh Anwar, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 7 years ago
Aresh Anwar
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group

I am a doctor and my job at Royal Perth and Bentley Hospitals is to help co-ordinate all the elements of the hospital to ensure patients get the best clinical outcomes and experience

Submitted on 28/02/2017 at 5:09 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:13 PM

picture of Aresh Anwar

Dear Peper100,

Thank you for taking the time to write and being so positive about your experience despite an unacceptably long wait. I know that staff will be profoundly embarrassed. We are currently looking at the whole process that supports outpatients, to minimise wait times and I very much hope that this, as you so kindly put it, was a one off mistake.

With thanks

Dr Aresh Anwar

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Hospital Group

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