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"Several mix ups."

About: Box Hill Hospital

(as a relative),

My mother was admitted two weeks ago after a fall. On admission staff were informed that my mother was quite deaf, going blind and was allergic to morphine based medicines. Twenty four hours later a family member was concerned by my mother's shakes and 'fuzzy' thinking and inquired about the medication she was being given for pain. Yes, it was the same hospital that had been told about her allergies and when checked on the top of the form was the allergy information. Without the morphine based medication my mother was alert and not shaking and as such treated quite differently by the staff who had assumed she was suffering from dementia. On leaving the hospital after several mix ups with transport, my mother was lifted onto transport against her wishes and dropped against the stairs cutting both legs enough to bleed profusely, particularly as she takes blood thinners.

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Response from David Plunkett, Chief Executive, Eastern Health 7 years ago
David Plunkett
Chief Executive,
Eastern Health
Submitted on 2/03/2017 at 5:36 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 5:37 PM

picture of David Plunkett

Dear Allergy information,

Thank you for sharing your story on Patient Opinion and alerting us to your experience. I am really sorry to hear that aspects of our care have fallen well short of the high standards that we set for the provision of safe, high quality care here at Eastern Health.

I would like to follow this up directly with the staff involved in your mother’s care so that we can understand what occurred here and importantly, ensure that we prevent a recurrence. If you would be agreeable to this, please email me at and I will look into this as a matter of priority.

However, if you wish to remain anonymous, I completely understand and respect that decision. If this is the case I will have general discussions with the program staff about your mother’s experience.

I hope to hear from you soon and thank you again for sharing your story so that we may continually improve the care and services we provide.

Kind Regards,

David Plunkett

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