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"Mental health building in Broome is too small."

About: Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Service

(as a carer),

The current Mental Health/Drug and Alcohol services building in Broome is totally inadequate

The reception area is far to small creating issues of privacy and safety

Anyone waiting is able to hear everything that is said to the receptionist and there are only 2 seats for clients to wait for attention!

The confidential rooms for consultation are very small so that only one other person - relative/carer can be accommodated other than the client and the person consulting

Frankly this building was inadequate when it was allocated to the Mental Health team a few years ago and given that the number of people they see has risen over the years it is even more so.

It is urgent that they are given a more appropriate facility ASAP

I'm sure the Deputy Chief Psychiatrist will back this opinion after she has visited! ! !


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Response from Bob Goodie, Regional Manager Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Services, Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Services, WACHS Kimberley 7 years ago
Bob Goodie
Regional Manager Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Services, Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Services,
WACHS Kimberley

Manage Mental Health Services in the Kimberley

Submitted on 14/03/2017 at 10:34 AM
Published on Care Opinion at 10:35 AM

Dear Too small

Thank you for your observations of the inadequate reception and clinical space for family and patients of mental health services. I agree with your evaluation of the issues from a patient and family perspective.

Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Service ( KMHDS) have completed a redesign of the reception area with an additional interview room being added to improve the physical and clinical environments.

KMHDS is working with Western Australia Country Health Service (WACHS) area office to secure funding for this urgent project to get underway, however we will not be able to move forward until we know if Royalties for Regions is still available to fund this project.

Thank you for raising this matter,we are treating this as a priority and it is a very important issue



Regional Manager

Kimberley Mental Health and Drug Service

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful

Update posted by Too small (a carer)

Dear Bob

Thank you for your reply.

It is not known whether the Labour Party will honour the Royalty For Regions funding, however no matter where the funding comes from this matter is urgent.

We,the people who access the facility, are afforded no privacy from the people who are waiting and I feel like a second class person being treated so.

I feel sure that this would not be tolerated in the city.

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