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"Birth Experience"

About: Bentley Hospital / Maternity Ward 2 & Neonatal Nursery

(as the patient),

I recently had a baby at Bentley Hospital. I am writing to share my birth experience at Bentley.

I was expected to have a baby on a particular date. Unfortunately, I was overdue and had my baby a week later. I visited the two Obstetricians (I still visit them) I had been seeing during my pregnancy and we put together a plan to meet at the hospital the evening before to start the gel for induction. Unfortunately, both doctors were absent during my active labor, and another doctor attended me at the time of delivery. The Midwife was excellent, very supportive and caring. She explained me everything on the day of admission and made sure I am comfortable. I appreciate her support and in such time. Here is the timeline experience from Admission to Discharge.    

1. Induced with prostaglandin gel at 1730

2. Another dose of prostaglandin gel topped up on midnight by a midwife

3. Water broke spontaneously at 0500 in the morning, just ran down to my legs.

4. Vaginal examination by a midwife, not sure of cervical opening size though it was open 2-3 centimeter

5. ARM ( Artificial rupture of the membranes) performed by the attending doctor at 0900

6. Epidural at around 1000 ( I am very thankful to an Anaesthetist who attended me despite his busy schedule)

7. Febrile at 1600

8. The midwife gave a sponge bath and paracetamol, the temperature was fluctuating.

9. Fully dilated at around 1900

10. I was encouraged to have a normal delivery, and my fever was not getting down, I wanted to have a vaginal birth, and I supported that decision in the beginning. I agreed to have Vacuum Extraction.

"As per clinical guideline from vacuum extraction is abandoned if there is

 difficulty in applying the instrument

 no evidence of progressive descent with each pull

 no evidence of imminent birth following three pulls of a correctly placed instrument by an experienced operator.

 birth is not imminent within a reasonable period of time (e. g. 15-20 minutes). Sequential instrumentation should not be used if any of the indications for abandonment are present from the first unsuccessful attempt at delivery.

In my case, the doctor attempted more than three times, and there was no gradual descent of the head. I was exhausted, frightened and very nervous seeing midwife mopping the floor full of blood, nurses all around me; seeing spots of blood on my hubby's cheek and the midwife's hand possibly from failed vacuum extraction and episiotomy. The doctor finally decided to take me to the theatre for Caesarean Section as my temperature wasn't dropping down and a baby was getting distressed. On my way to the theatre the doctor insisted me to attempt vacuum one more time to try the vaginal birth, which made me so teary and sad. When you're in such a vulnerable state, and you have no control and no power, I wish the doctor could have understood how every single word and action makes a difference. It is someone’s body, baby, life, and it all needs to matter. It has left a scar on me forever.

In the theatre room, when I was given anesthesia via IV route, In my understanding, the given anesthesia was a mixture of 3 drugs including adrenalin. The nurse who administered me the drug gave me a bolus so fast that I went in shock, I had difficulty in breathing, rapid heart rate, cold, clammy, confused, partially disoriented and very anxious. I stopped her to flush the line, as it will make things worse. The nurse put me on oxygen which made me feel better, but I believe I had a near death experience. I instantly thought I would die or something will happen to my baby, either I will live or the baby. It was horrible. To make matters worse, I felt being cut, it was painful, and the pressure I felt was unbearable. I was shivering due to high temperature. I began to shout, and I sensed someone pressing my legs down in the table. The aim of anesthesia is to eliminate any sensation, but in my case, it was opposite. I felt everything, I don't remember much but remember telling anaesthetist that I am in pain, but they asked me if it's pressure or pain. They offered me to top up anesthesia. But, I was traumatized by the experience a few minutes ago. I was too scared to ask for more anesthesia. But, an extra dose of anesthesia including propofol was given afterward. I felt better after receiving these drugs. My temperature was still high at that time, and I was shivering. The procedure last for an hour and I was transferred to ward. My postnatal stay was not that bad. On the first night, there were two midwives. They were so helpful, one of them took my baby to the station and allowed me to take rest, they both came to see me often. However, on my second night, I didn't get any help from the nurses working on that night. My baby was crying; I still was on cannula and catheter. One nurse came to me and said feed the baby, go to the toilet and empty the urine bag and let me know the output. I went to the nursing station, and there were three nurses in the station doing nothing. I understand sometimes can get busy, and the nurses can't help much but it was not that case. Overall, my experience at Bentley Hospital was very traumatic. I hope no one will suffer like I did.

I hope you will review my case and respond to me soon.

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Response from Aresh Anwar, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 7 years ago
Aresh Anwar
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group

I am a doctor and my job at Royal Perth and Bentley Hospitals is to help co-ordinate all the elements of the hospital to ensure patients get the best clinical outcomes and experience

Submitted on 24/03/2017 at 1:52 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:52 PM

picture of Aresh Anwar

Dear Suru,

Thank you for taking the time to write. I would like to start by apologising. I know that the birth of a baby should be a happy time whilst also a very busy one. It is all the more reflective of your poor experience that despite this you have felt the need to make contact with us. I would also like to thank you for acknowledging that there were several positive elements to your stay.

We agree that the care you describe warrants a review and I would be keen to initiate this however we cannot do so without a little more information about you.

Would you be willing to have a private and confidential discussion with me so that I can start this rather than providing you with a generic response. I can be contacted on 9224 2219.

I hope to hear from you,

Dr Aresh Anwar

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley Hospital Group

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
Response from Aresh Anwar, Executive Director, Royal Perth Bentley Group 7 years ago
Aresh Anwar
Executive Director,
Royal Perth Bentley Group

I am a doctor and my job at Royal Perth and Bentley Hospitals is to help co-ordinate all the elements of the hospital to ensure patients get the best clinical outcomes and experience

Submitted on 16/06/2017 at 1:53 PM
Published on Care Opinion at 1:58 PM

picture of Aresh Anwar

Dear Suru,

Thank you for coming forward, and then chatting with me recently about your experience with us.

As promised we are undertaking an investigation into the concerns that you describe, and can I please ask if you would be able to once again make contact with me on 9224 2219.

Many thanks once again for your honest feedback here and your patience has been really appreciated.

Kind regards

Dr Aresh Anwar

Executive Director

Royal Perth Bentley group

  • {{helpful}} {{helpful == 1 ? "person thinks" : "people think"}} this response is helpful
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