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"Broome Hospital"

About: Broome Health Campus / Emergency Department

(as the patient),

To Dr Wendy & Dr Kevin and all the nurses and staff at the Broome Hospital I would like to thank you for your professionalism and also for all the help that you offered me. I had a miscarriage at home and I had excessive bleeding so I ended up in the emergency department. I was monitored constantly and felt comfortable as a knowledgeable team looked after me. At the end the team decided that I needed a procedure and it was all explained to me before it all occurred. The extremely friendly and relaxed medical team made it all happened quickly and I felt safe in their capable hands.

Thank you!

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Response from Sue Phillips, Regional Director of Medical Services, WA Country Health Service Kimberley 7 years ago
Sue Phillips
Regional Director of Medical Services,
WA Country Health Service Kimberley

Manages the Medical Services across the Kimberley region

Submitted on 22/03/2017 at 7:38 PM
Published on Care Opinion on 23/03/2017 at 1:11 PM

picture of Sue Phillips

Dear in capable hands,

Thank you for your feedback, and I hope that you are recovering well from your miscarriage and procedure. This has clearly been a rough time for you so I am glad that Dr. Wendy and Dr. Kevin and our wonderful nursing staff were able to help you with their excellent communication and professionalism.

Our staff appreciate knowing that their patients have noticed the effort that they have put into providing efficient and compassionate care for them, especially in times of distress. I will ensure that our team receive your kind words of thanks.

It will make their day!

Kind regards

Sue Phillips

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